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Sustainability labels for financial products

You would like to invest but you don’t have an overview of which financial products are sustainable? Labels can be an objective source to help you in your search. At Pure Labels you can get detailed information about labels that evaluate the sustainability of financial products.

The label is awarded to employee savings plans and funds from France that meet social and environmental requirements.

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The label is only awarded to sustainable financial products that come from providers whose products are fully sustainable.

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The Ethibel Pioneer label awards quality labels, advises companies, institutions and governments on the subject of sustainable investment.

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The Code focuses on SRI funds publicly distributed in Europe and has been designed to cover a range of asset classes.

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The Finansol label was created by the Finansol Association, a group of banks, corporations and NGOs in France.

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The label uses minimum requirements and a qualitative analysis for awarding different label levels.

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The Greenfin label from the French Ministry of Ecological Transition mobilizes investments in favor of the energy and ecological transition.

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The ISR label from the French Ministry of Economy and Finance recognizes funds with the goal of socially responsible investing.

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The label is used to evaluate investment funds related to mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change.

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The objective of LuxFLAG Environment is to provide investors with the certainty of investing in environmentally related sectors.

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The focus of the LuxFLAG ESG label is to promote sustainable transition.

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The label is granted to eligible discretionary mandates that are enabling the transition toward a more sustainable economy.

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The aim of the LuxFLAG Green Bond is to guarantee that the proceeds of the bonds will finance green projects.

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The main objective of the label is to provide investors with the assurance that they are actually investing in the microfinance sector.

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The LuxFLAG Sustainable Insurance Product addresses products that support issues within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

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The Nordic Swan Ecolabel was established by the Nordic Council of Ministers and awards the label to various industries.

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The "Recovery" label awards funds that undertake to rapidly mobilize new resources to support French SMEs companies that comply with ESG criteria.

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The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) certification program covers investment products in Australia and New Zealand.

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The Belgian Central Labelling Agency awards the label to sustainable and socially responsible financial products.

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The label is awarded by Austria's Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK).

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Investment Funds with this label provide investors a source of information on the ESG and/ or Climate characteristics of the investment fund.

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