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FNG label for sustainable investment funds

What stands behind the label?

The FNG label was launched by a professional association for sustainable investments in the German-speaking region, Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V., in 2015. The external and independent sustainability certification must be renewed annually.

In a first step, the label uses minimum requirements such as eligibility and exclusion criteria. In a second step, they conduct a qualitative analysis and thus rank funds differently by awarding different label levels.

What are the key points of the label?
Key points
Disclosure of the sustainability criteria for the award of the label

The methodology is clearly explained. This is based on a minimum standard and a tier model based on institutional credibility, product standards and portfolio focus. As a result, the funds are rated with up to three stars.

Key points
Independence of the organization awarding the label

The professional association Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen e.V. is a non-profit organization. The organization awarding the FNG label is QNG mbH as a subsidiary of FNG e.V..

Key points
Multiple-step process when the label is awarded by a number of parties

The testing and evaluation work is carried out separately and independently by the University of Hamburg. The award process is reviewed by an external committee consisting of representatives of consumers, civil society, science, the church and NGOs from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Which financial products are evaluated with it?

Funds are evaluated with the FNG label. In 2024, over 1538 funds were awarded with the label. Click on the button to go to the FNG website and discover the financial products awarded with the label.

Source: FNG e.V.