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ISR label – Investissment Socialement Responsable

What stands behind the label?

The ISR label is a label managed by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance that sets a standard for financial products in France and Europe. The label recognizes investment funds and real estate funds that implement a robust socially responsible investing (SRI) methodology, resulting in measurable and tangible outcomes.

The ISR label uses a two-step process consisting of a suitability check and a verification that the funds meet the label criteria.

What are the key points of the label?
Key points
Disclosure of the sustainability criteria for the award of the label

Requirements are spread over six main pillars and presented in detail. Critical questions are also answered transparently.

Key points
Independence of the organization awarding the label

The Ministry of Economy and Finance participates as an observer in the committee, which consists of representatives of all stakeholders, including representatives of consumer associations.

Key points
Multiple-step process when the label is awarded by a number of parties

The awarding of the label and subsequent audits are carried out by three external auditing bodies certified by the Comité Français d’Accréditation (Cofrac): Afnor Certification, EY France and Deloitte.

Which financial products are evaluated with it?

Investment funds, alternative funds and real estate funds are assessed with the ISR label. In 2024, more than 1231 funds from over 203 management companies were awarded the label for a total volume of approximately €771 billion. Click on the button to access the ISR website and discover the financial products awarded with the label.

Source: Label ISR