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GreenFin label

What stands behind the label?

The label was launched in 2015 by the Commissariat Général au Développement Durable (French Ministry for Sustainable Development). The Greenfin label aims to mobilize investments in favor of the energy and ecological transition.

The GreenFin Committee defines the main guidelines for the coordination of the entire system and proposes changes in the label specifications to the authorities.  The awarded products must be renewed annually.

What are the key points of the label?
Key points
Disclosure of the sustainability criteria for the award of the label

An investment fund must meet four categories of criteria to receive the Greenfin label: the fund is falling within the scope of the energy and ecological transition and the fight
against climate change, at least 75% is invested in green activities, the fund additionally considera exclusion criteria, as well as present a strategy against ESG controversies and measure environmental impact. The use of derivatives is permitted only if it satisfies the goal of Energy and Ecological Transition for the Climate. Comprehensive information is available.

Key points
Independence of the organization awarding the label

The GreenFin Committee sets the main guidelines of the label and, if necessary, proposes changes in the label specifications to the authorities. This committee consists of representatives of all stakeholders. However, the committee does not award labels itself.

Key points
Multiple-step process when the label is awarded by a number of parties

Today’s nationally recognized certification bodies are EY France, Novethic and Afnor.

Which financial products are evaluated with it?

To date, this label has been awarded to over 102 international investment funds, which together manage a value of approximately 35 billion euros. Click on the button to go to the GreenFin website and discover the financial products awarded with the label.

Source: Ministère de la transition écologique